
Wednesday, March 26, 2014


So I got my first internet "hater" today...

Basically some random person on Instagram asked me "How can you be a coach when your (their misspelling, not mine) not in shape."

I could take this 2 ways. I could cry and hide and delete the comment and worry about how I can be a good or effective lifestyle coach with Beachbody extolling the virtues of health and nutrition and fitness when I am not in perfect shape myself (YET!)


I could continue to inspire others on THEIR OWN journeys to health and fitness. The journey that begins with a small step that is often hard to take. The journey that started for me 4 years ago when I weighed over 300lbs. The journey that has helped me lose 70lbs in 4 years.

I began my Beachbody journey a LOOOONNNNNGGGG time ago (back when Power 90 was really the only thing out there). I started and stopped and started and stopped and started and stopped... you know the deal right? I lost a little, I lost a lot. I have plateaued for over a year. I gave up on myself and believed again. I gave up again. I believed again.

But throughout my journey - this one that I have been on for most of my life I have done at least one thing. I have been HONEST with my online community.

I am not perfect. I have 50lbs of fat to lose. I don't eat perfect every day. I don't always commit to my workouts. I give up and then start again. I do that a lot.

Since becoming a Beachbody Coach a little over a year ago, I never give up on myself for long. I never give up on my clients. I push and check in and motivate and encourage myself and others. I help. I listen. I offer tips and tricks and ideas and more importantly than anything else, I offer wisdom from someone who has BEEN THERE. Someone who is still on the journey. Someone who knows exactly how hard the struggle can be.

I am there for anyone who wants help with their struggle. Free. No charge - if you choose to take advantage of some awesome programs and supplements and nutrition, GREAT. If you want to pay it forward and help others by becoming a coach FANTASTIC. If all you want is someone to listen and maybe help motivate you out the door on a one mile walk - I will be there.

So thank you random internet hater. If you chose to spend the time to comment and try to tear me down, I must be doing something right.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

21 Day Fix - Day 0 - getting ready

So today I start the 21 Day Fix from Beachbody. The program is designed to help you jump start weight loss from a plateau, lose weight to help hit an event goal or really anything else you want to do to be healthy and fit. I have been sitting on the same plateau for a long time and my goals for the program are:

  1. Dial in my nutrition - nutrition is 80-90% of a fitness program and mine has not been what it should be.
  2. Break through my plateau. I have been bouncing around the same 5-10lbs for over a year, and it is time to leave those pounds behind for good!
  3. Create new habits to help me reach my long term health and fitness goals!
I will be updating this blog and my youtube channel regularly as I go through the program so follow me here, on Facebook or on instagram (@coachbeckycooper) for more details!

I am ready to change my life, my fitness, and my health - are you?

Saturday, February 1, 2014


As frequesnt readers (or at least as frequent as I post ;) ) will know I have been doing the Body Beast program from Beachbody. I am half-a$$ing round 2 currently waiting for a different program that comes out on Monday, but I follow a Facebook Page called Body Beast for Women and the creator of Body Beast Sagi Kalev. Along with being a super buff former Mr. Israel, Sagi is a sweet thoughtful person that shows he cares for the people that follow his program and need his help. Today he posted this question in the Body Beast for Women group.

"Good Sat ladies. I hope and wish you all an amazing weekend.
I do have a question for you all to think about and share with us.
How Often do you say the word BUT..... How often do you say No before knowing..... and then The BUT comes up... 
Whats holding you back from working on your dream and wishes?
I am looking forward reading your comments and write my answers to this question."

My response was this:

This is very thought provoking. I say it far too much, and I am slowing realizing it. I would eat better BUT it is too expensive. I would get in shape BUT I don't have time. I would do my workouts BUT I am too tired. I would go to the gym BUT I just don't want too. I would buy clothes that fit me and look good on me now BUT I want to lose weight first. BUT is holding me back from living my life.

BUT is holding us back. BUT is really fear. Fear that we cannot be perfect, we cannot live our lives, we cannot do the things we want to to achieve happiness, so we shouldn't even try. So my February goal is to stop letting BUT and FEAR hold me back from living my life and reaching my goals.

What is your BUT? 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

An hour is just too long!

I can go for a LONG run. I did a half - marathon and was on my feet running (Galloway style - run/walk intervals) for 3.5 hours. But I just can't do other cardio for that long. I get bored, I make excuses, I just never get it done.

And I am not alone!

Enter Beachbody - they now have 2 (almost 3) workouts that are about 30 minutes a day! No wonder I love this company. :) I am a mom, a wife, a teacher and carving out 60 minutes to workout just doesn't happen for me. But I can find 30 minutes. I can find 30 minutes every day!

P90X3 (watching the informercial now) is P90X accelerated! I did P90X and had great results but couldn't keep it up. The time just killed me, and I quit 6 days before the end of the program. I tried INSANITY and did 1 week, but again, the long workouts, while awesome just didn't fit my schedule.

P90X3 is 30 minutes a day. FocusT25 is 25 minutes a day (5 days a week!) 21 Day Fix is about 30 minutes a day WITH a revolutionary portion control clean eating program to help you dial in the most difficult part of anyone's fitness journey - nutrition!

I am starting the 21 Day Fix as soon as it comes out - February 17th or earlier! Come and join me on my journey and see how much you can change your life in a short amount of time.

I am changing lives and chasing awesome this year. Come join me.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Changes, still making changes

I started my Beachbody journey in December of 2009 (for the 3rd or 4th time) with Turbo Jam and Power 90 at 290+ pounds. I started, I stopped. I started, I stopped. I did this over and over again. I was fat fat fat. I had Postpartum Depression, I hated myself and my body. I couldn't stand to have my husband look at me, let alone touch me. I had serious gallbladder disease (and had to get it taken out in 2010). I did P90X in the summer of 2010 - 84 days of it. And I hated every minute. I was not losing weight. I was not losing inches. I was eating crap and fooling myself that it was okay. I would binge, I would eat in secret... I had problems. I did 1 week of Insanity, and "rested" for 4 or 5 months. I started Turbo Fire in January of 2011 and made it through a month before I started student teaching. Not that I did the program right. Hated long workouts, never made it past Fire30 and the HIITs. Made some changes, dropped some weight (not a lot. I hovered between 280 - 270, up and down, up and down...) I was in a car accident in June of 2011 and extremely lucky to walk away with a broken wrist and scrapes and bruises. The ambulance took me to the trauma center in the nearest big city because "no one will believe you walked away from that wreck alive".

The accident took a physical toll on me, and an emotional one on my marriage. I found running and inconsistently ran and did strength training at my college fitness center. Still ate crap, made some changes and hovered around 260-270. On Antidepressants, but still emotionally scarred. Running more consistently and in the winter of 2012 moved to a more whole foods based diet. Stayed in the 250s but far more flab than anything else.

Then something (inspiration, lightning bolt, cosmic head slap) hit me. I decided to become a beachbody coach. I restarted TurboFire (still not "really" following, but better) and I got Body Beast. Whoa. Serious changes ahead!

Since January of 2013 the weight on the scale has only gone down another 10lbs - but now I bounce around the low 240s, and the bouncing gets lower every week. The BIGGEST changes have come since June 2013 (around Summit). I am getting help with my emotional issues. I am changing more and more for the better every day!

Body Beast has contributed the most to my physical changes. Some measurements have not gone down much, but that is because my body composition is changing so much. Consistency is the key. When I truly committed to myself and my journey each small change added up. Again and again. Good choices led to more changes and better choices and more changes - a perpetual cycle. I am not done, but I am firmly on the path.

Since the beginning of my journey I have lost about 50lbs, completed a half marathon and learned to love and appreciate what my body can do for me when I take care of it. This isn't the end, but the beginning...

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Introducing the 10-Day Shakeology Challenge

Introducing the 10-Day Shakeology Challenge

 Deadline to Enter is July 15, 2013. Challenge begins July 27, 2013 

This is a fun and easy weight loss challenge that anyone can participate in.  We will use Shakeology daily, workout 30 minutes a day (your choice), and track our results in a private online group.  This is a great, fast and fun way to jump start your weight loss, clean up your nutrition, lose a few pounds before a special event or after a bout of poor food choices that we all go through now and then.  Read below for details on how to join our next group and order your Shakeology.  Be sure to send me an email so I know to include you in the group.  We start a new group each month and there's no limit to how many times you can participate.

How to Get Started and Rules of the Challenge:
**Sign up with us, as your coaches, (for FREE). Sign Up For Free Here**

Send us an email at  to let us know you're ready to take the CHALLENGE! (Include your name, address, and phone number)

  • You MUST have at least a 10 day supply of Shakeology. You will consume at least 1 shake per day as part of your meal plan.
  • Send me your starting weight and waist circumference the MORNING of Day 1.Follow the meal plan and guidelines that we will provide you once you are registered.
  • Send your exercise and food journal to me nightly.
  • Shakeology MUST have been purchased by me, your sponsoring coach! You can purchase 10 individual packets or a 30 day supply of Shakeology. Either way is fine with me. 10 packets of Shakeology are $56 and includes shipping and handling or $50 for Hampton Roads pickup (must be paid via Paypal). Please allow at least 5-7 days for you to receive your order prior to the challenge start date.
  • At least 30 minutes of exercise 8 of the 10 days during the challenge is required. We don’t care what you do but this is the minimum. I can provide you with a few workout ideas/sample plans or you can use one of the workout programs that our team recommends including P90X, INSANITY, LES MILLS COMBAT, TURBOFIRE, TURBO JAM, FOCUS T25 or there are so many more options. As your coach, I will help you find a plan that fits your needs!
  • PLEASE feel free to invite your friends, family or anyone that would benefit from this challenge. The more the merrier!
**There is no product guarantee on 10-day pack option and returns are not accepted.  30-day bottom of the bag guarantee is available only when you order a 30 day supply of Shakeology.  To order a 30-day supply of Shakeology, visit Select the HOME DIRECT option and receive FREE SHIPPING. You can cancel at anytime.   

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

11 Days until I turn 35

On November 17th I will celebrate my 35th birthday and 6th wedding anniversary (yes I got married on my birthday, mainly so I could remember the day. Plus I love November). Every year since puberty (the last 20 at least) I have vowed to lose weight and be fit before my next birthday rolls around. Some hit and miss success, but never lasting weight loss. I do not want to make the same vow this year. I want a more tangible, measurable goal. One that will push me, test my limits and resolve, and help me be a better person in the long run (pun intended).

I would love to lose weight, and be fitter than I was on my last birthday, be more in shape than I was at my first anniversary (granted I was 9 months pregnant with the monkey that year). I would like to weigh less than  I did when I got married, or less than I did when I met my husband.

More than those things though, I want to be strong. I want to set a hard high goal and reach it. A big goal. One that seems almost impossible. I want to achieve the impossible.

Goals for my 35th year

  1. Walk or run every day - at least one mile. I want to have a streak so that by this time next year, my mileage is over triple digits. 
  2. Super big goal - run/walk 3500 miles my 35th year. I know it is almost 10 miles a day. I will actually have to work up to that amount. But I am going to do it. I am making a vow, a resolution, a super goal to run/walk at least 1750 miles this coming year with a super duper goal of reaching 3500. 
  3. Eat to fuel my goal. I will not follow a diet or a plan. I will be reasonable in my eating, and work to ensure that what I eat fuels my goals and my life. 
There is no doubt that this will not be easy. But "If you shoot for the moon and miss you still wind up among the stars".

These are my stars for the next year. I'm going for it.